
JKT Tanzania Form Six Selection 2024-25 PDF Releases Check Out

Waliochaguliwa JKT 2024 Tanzania Form Six Selection 2024-25 PDF Releases Check Out

Welcome to our website, In This Article, are you looking for JKT Tanzania Form Six Selection 2024-25 PDF Releases Check Out majina ya waliochaguliwa kujiunga na JKT kidato cha sita 2024 download all list and camp or location. Mujibu wa Sheria JKT Selection 2024 Form Six JKT Selection 2024 Waliochaguliwa JKT 2024. Check out the most recent information about JKT Selection 2024. Tanzanian Form Six Students used to join JKT shortly after finishing their studies, with various students housed in JKT Camps for training.

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National Service (JKT)

According to the statute for the year 2024, the National Service (JKT) is requesting that young people who completed their Form Six education in 2024 from all schools in Mainland Tanzania join JKT training. In conjunction with this request, JKT has set aside training camps, and the young people must report to these locations between June 1 and June 7, 2024.

The following JKT Camps have been assigned to these youths: Itaka – Songwe, Luwa and Milundikwa – Rukwa, Msange – Tabora, Ruvu – Pwani, Mpwapwa, Makutupora – Dodoma, Mafinga – Iringa, Miale – Ruvuma, Mgambo and Maramba – Tanga, Makuyuni – Arusha, Bulombora, Kanembwa and Mtabila – Kigoma, Rwamkoma – Mara, Msange – Tabora, Ruvu – Pwani, Mpwapwa, Makutupora – Dodoma, Mafinga – Iringa, and Oljoro – Arusha.

Furthermore, waliochaguliwa JKT 2024 mandates that these young people report with the following:

  • Dark blue shorts without a zipper that are knee-length, with one rear pocket, and an elastic waistband.
  • Green vest with a green t-shirt.
  • Athletic sneakers in blue or green.
  • Two sheets of navy blue. long, black socks.
  • Clothes suitable for the cold for people stationed in cold climates.
  • A tracksuit, either green or blue.
  • All required paperwork, such as a birth certificate and Form Four graduation certificates, is needed to enroll in higher education.
  • cost of transportation to and from the camps.

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Form six JKT Selection 2024

The JKT website,, has a comprehensive record of these youths’ names, the JKT camps to which they have been allocated, the locations of these camps, and the necessary supplies. These names can also be obtained from a mobile device by calling the USSD CODE 15200# and choosing options No. 8 (Education) and No. 5 (JKT). After entering their three names and school number, the user will see the location of the camp to which they have been assigned. Users of all cell networks in the nation can access this service.

The “Waliochaguliwa JKT 2024 Tanzania Form Six Selection 2024-25 PDF Released Check Out” 2024 Form Six graduates are cordially invited to join their fellow young people in JKT Commander Major General Rajabu Mabele’s classroom to learn work skills, life skills, and how to be prepared to build and serve their country. They will also be taught national unity and patriotism.

How to check the JKT Form Six Selection for 2024

Online Method:

  • Go to the JKT website: Visit, the official JKT website.
  • Locate and open the Selection List. On the website, look for a link or section that mentions “Form Six Selection 2024” or a similar phrase.
  • Get the List or View It: The list can be viewed directly on the website or downloaded as a PDF. Look for your name in the document’s index.

Mobile Method:

  1. Dial USSD Code: 15200# is the USSD code that you should enter on your mobile device.
  2. Observe the Prompts:
    • Choose “Education,” option No. 8.
    • Choose “JKT” option No. 5.
  3. Enter Your Information Here: When prompted, provide your three names and your school number.
  4. View Your Assignment: The assigned camp and its location will be shown by the system.

You ought to be able to obtain the details regarding your JKT Form Six selection for 2024 by employing either approach.

In summary: The National Service (Jeshi la Kujenga Taifa, JKT) has invited all 2024 Form Six graduates to participate in this training program, marking the first time that such training has been required since it was first instituted.

To see May 2024 first intake Fill in Your Information Accurately to Know the Camp You Have Been Assigned please navigate into

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